@Davido Davido thank you for this information. will follow up. Lawyer had me get sigs on a general warranty deed- other owners signed their claim over to me and it was notarized after every so many signatures I sent original sig/notary to lawyer.
@Clint Votruba the caretaker is in his 70s-The house has been vacant for 8 years- no one has lived or rented it out. He pays the taxes and upkeep. That’s it. Old ages wants to keep it within. He felt that was his obligation to homeowner to not send it to foreclosure, so he paid the taxes. Caretaker didn’t know that it would be this much of a hassle until my lawyer advised of the process of there is no will- hence why I have been on a rabbit hunt to get sig. at his older age he can’t understand why that is required. But seems this process is needed to get it done right.
Like @chris martin said it only takes one. I was on a roll collecting signatures then one didn’t sign- felt the need to hold out and soon 2-3 didn’t sign and I was stuck.
House is prob valued at $80-95k, needs sig rehab. First goal is to find away to acquire clean and clear ownership then work the rehab issue.
Thanks for this information- like I said I am new member- learning as I go. This will be my first property if it works out and it’s has seemed harder than I thought. But will continue to work through the issues.