MH and I just bought a 3 family at the end of October and kept all the tenets.
1: Woman, boyfriend, her son & grandson - mother to 3rd floor tenet.
2. Couple with 4 children.
3. Woman, boyfriend, their son & boyfriends brother - daughter to 1st floor tenet.
Tenets on floor 1 & 3 - have paid both their rents for November and December without issue.
Tenet on floor 2 has not paid either months rent. Each time I ask them about it they tell me is coming (still waiting....) and then go on to complain about the tenets on the 3rd floor. Their complaints are they have pit bulls (against the lease), they constantly smell pot and they believe they are selling hardcore drugs out of the apartment. I have seen the dogs and asked them to get rid of them, which they claimed they did as of 12/6. As for the drugs, I called the police and asked them to monitor the property, but I didn't say anything to the tenet because I didn't want it to come across that Floor #2 was tattling on them (as I doubt they would think it was the 1st floor).
I don't doubt their accusation of drug use are real, but I have no proof and I only hear about it when I ask about past due rent. I don't live close by so I can't exactly just swing by to spot check.
Floor #2 said they may move because of this and I told them that would be fine, but I need to address this, as I don't want people selling drugs at my house and it will come up with the next renters.
So, where do I go from here? How would you or have you handled something like this?