@Michael Lyons please refer to the FAQ section of the Philadelphia SD . Org page.
If a student doesn’t get the Charter School or neighborhood school of their choice, (which happens all the time), or the Charter School closes, they have the ability to enroll in their “neighborhood” school.
I and not taking about “A+ only” - schools, but the difference between C to F.
The families that live outside their preferred neighborhood school have to apply and the places are chosen by a computerized lottery. (Which I’m sure is toooootally legit).
I don’t know about you but I would rather not have my child’s education decided by a lottery. I would do everything in my power to buy or rent in a neighborhood with the best school I could afford.
That said, 100% of the people renting from me are renting b/c the neighborhood elementary school is fantastic- and the neighborhood isn’t so bad either.
Maybe we can also take into consideration that we are talking about 2 completely different set of buyers. People who are younger and don’t have kids - are looking for the up and coming trendy spots.
In the end my portfolio is very small compared to most, so focusing on this strategy has worked for me, but might not work for everyone. Good luck and great success to us all! $$$$