You guys are all amazing! I think I'm most interested in fix and flip plus rental for ongoing residual. I've floated across careers/jobs in new home construction (worked in the structural warranty side), fitness, and travel - I've always loved to learn and grow myself, but I have not built much for "retirement" (though not sure I will ever retire, I love entrepreneurship), was recently divorced and I'm around 40 - so I have a road ahead and definitely want to grow some decent rental income within 10-15 years, but I was considering fix and flip for not only diversity, but it sounds like fix and flip might be a great way to get some capital, which I don't really have at this point. Currently, absorbing what I can. I may have a potential business partner to work with - someone who is better at cut and dry facts versus my creative vision. I know I need to focus to get started though. I'll continue reading, listening, and learning. :)