I personally don't think house prices will come down any in Sacramento area at all , because of people moving out of bayarea will increase this year and next year as more and more people are considering leaving congested areas and have options to work from home now.
Increase in foreclosures after forbearance and unemployment money ends.
But this time banks don't want to foreclose and will work with homeowner to make payment arrangement and there is no unemployment in this area in reality.
2. Lack of business reopening due to extended COVID lockdowns.
But alot of new businesses are opening up as more and more people want to get in business becuase they are getting used to working in there own hours and don't want to go back to 9-5 jobs.
3. Crime/poverty increases.
i don't see that , offcourse property prices are falling in Oakland and san francisoc because nobody wants to live there going forward, but they are increasing everywhere else.
4. Decrease in rent prices in the Bay Area encouraging people to stay and causing slower growth in surrounding areas.
I think this pandemic has changed alot of people's mind and will be changing mindsets where more and more people would want to own there own home because of the way future jobs will work and people want to get away from daily hustle bustle of congested areas.