To all the people who think that it is justifiable to allow government to trample your rights just because they have done it in the past, then I believe you need to re-think your logic. Just because Government did it in the past doesn't mean it is allowable now. Each time it is an egregious violation. So let me address those who think we fought a civil war over "property". We didn't. Thomas Jefferson was very clear that all men were created equally. However there was a difference of opinion regarding slavery based on economic realities of the each state and supported by their government. So some states took an opinion based on economics (does that sound familiar based on your logic?) and some states viewed Slavery as immoral based on the tenants of the Declaration of Independence. The founding Fathers were split but made a moral "compromise" based on economic reality. Sounds like today, huh? So that didn't work out so good. So let me address once again the flawed "logic" of "they nationalized the railroads during WWI." Well that didn't work out so good either. Congress had to backtrack and change laws to make sure that the federal government couldn't seize "corporate" not INDIVIDUAL (BIG, BIG difference which I will address soon). Today's modern railroad equivalent is the Airline industry (so I suggest you do a little research so you are familiar with how USDOT works and how it affect CORPORATE Airline property.) The CRAF (Civilian Reserve Air Fleet) is a voluntary arrangement where the airlines agree in advance to allow a portion of their CORPORATE PROPERTY to be called upon in an National Emergency. The guidelines are agreed to in advance so there is no need to "commandeer" because there is an emergency and the FED GOV needs it. So now, lets address today's civics lesson about personal property. There are 3 Sovereign entities in the US Constitution, however people are so ignorant today they don't understand. Those three entities are The People, the Federal Government, and State/Local Government. The founding fathers looked at these entities in this manner (imagine a pyramid with three points at its base) Those three points are State/Local/Federal government. Now look at the point at the top (or apogee) that point is THE PEOPLE. The people are a Sovereign in their own right (why do you think the Bill of Rights was written and enshrined as the first 10 amendments?) Again the founding fathers intended the pyramid to work in this manner. THE PEOPLE (As Sovereign Individuals) were to be supported by the base of the pyramid (state/local/federal) government. We could exercise our rights freely without encumbrance of government. However, this pyramid arrangement has been perverted over the past 240 years into another arrangement. What do you get if you invert the pyramid? You get a wedge. Now Federal/State/Local government are on top and they are bearing down on us as individuals and are preventing us from enjoying our individual rights through oppressive taxation, over-bearing regulation, and unlimited power to persecute/prosecute through an unaccountable and compliant judicial branch. (the judicial branch is all to glad to accommodate because their funding comes from the legislative branch) Before you go off and think I am advocating anarchy I am not. What is needed is for balance to be reaffirmed between the 3 Sovereign entities. Federal/State/Local power needs to be re-balanced so it is in equity with THE PEOPLE. Now how do we do that. You need to research an Article V Constitutional Convention. However, let me return to the issue at hand. My personal property is protected by the Declaration of Independence and BOR. It can not be taken from me without due process of law. SO THIS IS VERY DIFFERENT. STATE/LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAN NEVER TAKE PROPERTY FROM INDIVIDUALS without recompense. You see they are violating a private contract between two individuals freely entered into. The government can't interject itself into this construct because they are violating not only the rights of the property owner but also the tenant (remember we as Landlord transferred our property rights to the tenant. (Bet you didn't think of that when you were trying to justify your logic on "property" and railroads) The "temporary emergency" never justifies the trampling of Constitutional rights, PERIOD.