G'day Dave,
First, congrats on getting started with investing! :)
I'm a half kiwi/ half American, living in Dubai and buying properties in FL. We operate our business using LLCs to hold our personal portfolio and legalize our partnerships (with non-US citizens) for joint investing ventures.
You certainly need to make sure that you are sorted for taxes and accounting so that you can remain compliant and take full advantage of the legal loopholes that are afforded to property owners in the US. You should also be sure to understand the requirements of federal taxes and state taxes (which will vary depending on where you want to open your LLC).
I would highly recommend finding a good CPA and attorney who specialize in working with foreign real estate investors. (Especially as you are getting started.) I have a good one in FL that I can refer you to. A good CPA and attorney will consider your specific situation, investment strategy, and goals - and then advise you on the best course of actions for you. A good attorney can also help you understand the legal aspects of the LLC and how they can protect you from litigation. (Americans are much more litigious than kiwis!)
Have you also considered connecting with lenders who work with foreign investors?
If you would like to chat further, I'd be very happy to connect. Just send me a PM and we can arrange a skype call.