Eric Anderson thank you for the advice sir.
I need to do real estate investing because I see it as a way to become financially free and to not only be able to support myself but to give back to my parents who have given me so much.
My goals are work,save, learn all I can about the type of real estate I want to do, and invest that money to become financially free. I'm 22 now and the goal for me is to become a millionaire either on or before I'm 30 years old. I have 8 years to make this happen.
Don't get me wrong I love my job and all my bosses and leaderships love me. They see me in the next few years becoming very successful there, and I could make some good money if I just lived the "normal" 9-5 job.
But I've come to realize I don't want that for the rest of my life. Working 20-30 years always gaining liabilities and never any assets. Sure it's probably the "safe way" but I don't think it's gonna get me want I want to do In life. "Pay off all parents debt" " buy parents a house" "gain true independence" etc
I've been studying this world of real estate now for about 2 weeks.. and oh my what a topic! But I know I can do it! It's just gonna take time and I can be patient.
My first step now is learning about the real estate I want to do, finding a mentor who can help guide me, and obtaining my first asset.
Good luck to you sir and thanks!