Hi all,
I know this topic has been around in many posts but I'm still not sure about a few points.
I'm a CA resident investing out-of-state. I'm about to buy my first property in OH and plan to buy many more in OH and maybe other states.
I'm trying to decide whether to A) go the route of LLC in OH or B) just own properties under my name with an umbrella policy. From what I gathered, LLC route seems more costly and creates more paperwork but to decide, I have a few questions;
1) Would I still need to pay $800/yr in CA with option B?
2) Would there be a tax benefit difference in option A vs. in option B? Any reason I would get less tax benefit in option B? There was a mention of the tax rate (corporate tax rate vs. income tax rate) and also it seems LLCs can write off more business expenses, but even in option B, it is still a business with rental income so won't it be the same? Let me know if I'm missing something. FYI - I'm a full-time real estate investor who is trying to get REPS.
3) Any cons in option B compared to option A (other than, tenants can know your name, you cannot co-own properties with a partner, etc.)?
4) Tax filing is easier in option A than B, correct?
I know I would need to get a CPA and a lawyer when it gets more serious but just wanted to run by everyone first.
Thank you for your help in advance.