@Alexia Ned-Sowell
I'm very new as well, however I'm not trying to get into wholesaling.
I don't think you should ignore what Lydia was saying and I really don't think she was trying to be mean or belittling. I spent 5 months (30-40 hours a week on average) researching and learning as much as I could. That research came in the form of listening to podcasts while at work, reading the recommended books, talking to people on BP, running comps, looking and doing the numbers on
100s of properties in my local area just to get the practice, and Then I decided I was ready to start the process of getting my first property.
Now I have zero interest in wholesaling, nothing against it just not interested, but I still know the basics of that kind of investing. The reason I'm saying all of this is because, while this is definitely the place to ask questions, it definitely Isn't the place to be rejecting advice from bonafide wholesalers if that's what you want to get into. Even if you don't like what they have to say, you're going to be a very short lived and bitter RE investor if you only look at the bright and cheery "You've got this, nothing could go wrong!" comments.
I'm really not trying to be rude, the fact is if you really weren't sure or didn't know that you want off market properties for wholesaling- you aren't at the point (Yet!) that you should be putting your money into this. Spend money on education (books), not tools for actual wholesaling. Not just yet.
You might be thinking you don't want to get analysis paralysis, but there is nothing wrong with waiting 3-5 months just learning.