There is a lot of great info for new investors here but I haven't seen many posts about the issues veteran investors face. Getting started in the business is a life changing experience for most people who decide to "go for it". But what happens after they jump in? Conquering your fears and putting your money on the line is the ante to play, NOT a victory. The problems, challenges, lessons & adjustments don't stop there. In fact they get more numerous and complicated as your business grows.
Once you're "in" you've got to continue to make things happen. It's like that saying, "Its not enough to make the team, you've got to get in the game and contribute!"
The more success you have the more variables there are to account for and manage. Like: What kind of reinvestment plan do you have for all the money you make? What are the tax implications of the new & different investments you enter into? What is required in hiring employees? When do you grow and in which direction? Can you manage people? Is your business systematized to be run by other people? What is the proper use of technology, which ones are necessary and how much money should be invested in them? And when?
Building a business is one of the most rewarding, exciting, thought provoking, mind expanding things I've done. You must make wise decisions and get alot of them right to truly be successful and stay there.
I'd love to hear some stories, comments, experiences from those who have been in the game for awhile. What things did you have to overcome & how did you do it? What are some of the challenges these newbies are going to face in the future? How did you grow from a mediocre new investor to a remarkable one?
......I'm all ears!