I currently have 2 coin OP machines in the basement- I could probably stand to get another set down there with 16 units. I have gas heat.
I'm going to check every unit for obvious leaks. I also spoke to the water/sewer foreman. It sounds like I have 2 options:
1- I can put in a new 2 inch digital meter,which can download data on amount of usage, exact time of day, and constant stream of usage to automatically detect leaks (cost of a few hundred dollars)
2- I can install individual meters for ever unit. MA apparently just passed a law that you can pass on excessive water/sewer use to tenants if you have individual meters. And this way I can see who the problem tenants are. Only issue is the meters could be around $200 each. So I'd be looking at over 3k plus the price of a plumber to set them up for install.
Does anyone here know around how much the plumbing end would cost me to put in those meters? Has anyone here done this is MA before? I plan on keeping this building for at least 5+ more years. Is it worth it to do this kind of upgrade in MA. on a building such as this?