Current High Interest Rates: Less buyers, reduced prices (despite still being inflated) because people cannot afford as much with higher interest rates, less competition, ability to win more deals.
Future Projected Lower Rates: More buyers flood the market, prices increase because people can afford more property, more competition, easier for people to find "buys" due to numbers being easier to work with.
Future Potential Same/Higher Rates: Rates do not go down, this is the new norm, get used to it. People slowly (and many have started) realizing that this is what we can expect for the foreseeable future.
Date the Rate, Marry the Price. There is something to say about prices being very high right now, but statistically, within the last 75 years, home prices have only dropped about 10% of the time. That being said, it is highly likely that they will increase, and with the projected lower interest rates, they are all but guaranteed to increase.
Why am I writing all this? Because I think it is best to leverage. If you are intending on putting most of your cash into a property merely to negate having to get a loan, you better have a sound plan for the cap ex that comes with that property. It is expensive and sometimes difficult to take equity out of a property. What happens if the property goes 50% unrented for 6 months? Do you have the reserves to cover the payments? What about a flooded basement? By leveraging, you leave additional reserves for you to utilize in the case that something unforeseen happens.
Minimum down payment or 50%: What is better? Let us look at it statistically on a $2 million property. For this example, let's use a minimum down payment of 25% and an interest rate of 10% to make the numbers easy:
25% --> 500k down payment | 13,163.57/month principal and interest
50% --> $1million down payment | 8,775.72/month Principal and Interest
In order to save 4,387.85/month, you need to put down 500k more. Sounds like a lot saved. But wait, what if you put that money into a CD/Savings at 5%. Now you are making 2083.33/month. Now you are only saving 2,304.52/month to add 500k to your down payment. With the lower down payment, you have the capital available to do what you please.
I apologize if this was confusing.