Quote from @Henry Clark:
@Ryan Knapp
I’m trying to say this politely. You are locked in on your answer but not hearing the responses.
Go ahead and do the cost seg. We can’t add anything to your thought process. All you showed above was the math behind cost seg and not the thought process.
You aren't answering the question i asked or providing relevant information. I'm not here to discuss whether cost seg makes sense for me or not because it does. I'm trying to work out reasoning on why to choose a company or not and if numbers some are giving me are realistic.
Maybe I need to provide more background for you to understand or maybe you just want to talk I can't tell.
This is the last year for 100% bonus, we are currently also paying a large amount in taxes. Yes the cost segs are just accelerating what we would get anyway but who keeps properties for that long in general? Additionally if they were sold in the next 3-5 yrs they would just be 1031 into a larger more desirable property. We are also in a growth stage so seeing the benefits as a lump sum are more helpful now than spread out over 5 or 15 years.
Generally what I've seen or been told is approximately 20- 25% of purchase price minus land can often be depreciated immediately. I'm just trying to make sure I'm not overpaying or going to pay less and not get max benefit. All companies appear to be done via engineers, in the USA and have audit defense.