@Johnathan Simeroth Back when I was starting out, I did a lot of remodels. I would get a lot of calls from real estate agents, prospective home buyers, or investors asking me too come and provide a quote on a property they were looking to buy. I would set up a meeting to walk the property (1.5 hours), then come back and work up a quote (3 hrs min) then drive out and meet the prospective client to present bid (1.5 hr). i quickly realized this was taking up a lot of my time and 9 times out of 10 they used my quote to as a negotiating tactic to reduce the sales price, then performed the work themselves or put it out to bid again. I thought, something is not right with this model. Everyone in the transaction gets paid, the real estate agents, the home inspector, the title company, the banks, etc. Except for one person, the GC. I quickly started charging $300.00 for this service and only providing estimates. Granted few people took me up on that offer, but it never hurt my business.
So, in response to your question, don't be afraid to pay a GC upfront for his or her time giving you a quote on your project, even if you don't end up buying it. Call that person again for a quote on the next property, I bet you will get a great response and attention to detail, because you have proven to the GC that you value their time and they will reciprocate.