Hello everyone! I'm 23 and really looking into going into real estate for a career. My grandparents owned properties for many years and my grandmother has been a RE agent for 40+ years so I was always accompanying her to stuff as a kid and I do have an interest for everything. She's still an agent to this day and one of my buddies is a realtor too so I feel like those could be two great mentors to have as I'm getting started and both have said they'd help me.
On the other hand I really want to move to San Diego, California. That's what I want the most out of life right now and being a realtor there is my goal.
Originally I was going to get my license here in MA, work for 12-18 months to get experience and save up money then move out to California but I've had people tell me that I should just save up some money, move out to SD soonish and get a place/job that lets me stay afloat while getting my license there because I'm just going to be starting from scratch when I eventually leave Mass.
I'm starting to consider moving sooner than later because it seems to make more sense but want to hear what others think. Thank you to anyone who offers me some advice!