@Alex McGhee -- Below may help you get started:
Stage 1: Educate Yourself on the Probate Process
Step 1: Spend 1 Hour Reading about the Probate Process in Your State
o If property does not go into a Trust then it goes to the Probate process
o Google your state’s probate process and educate yourself
Step 2: Practice Explaining the Process to Someone
Stage 2: Get the Probate List
Step 1: Find Location of Probate Records at the County Courthouse or Town/City Hall
Step 2: Search for the Probate listings on the Computer, Day Book, or files
Step 3: If your courthouse has a computer system Record Volume and Page Numbers in Excel
Step 4: Pull Volume & Page for more Detailed Information. If by non-computer pull the files
Step 5: Record & Build Probate Mailing List
o The estate of, the date of, place where last dwelled (that is the subject property). The executor/fiduciary/guarantee is where the direct mail goes to.
Step 6: Doing the actual direct mail
Once you get understand what you are doing, document each step and systematize it. You can hire someone to pull local leads for you and you can outsource the direct mail as well.