I know in NY there are certain rules utility companies must follow, there could be similar rules by you. Example below:
"The rights of water consumers in New York State depend on whether the water supplier is a municipality or a large or small water company. Large private water companies (those with revenues of at least $250,000) are regulated by the Public Service Commission (PSC) and subject to the Home Energy Fair Practices Act (HEFPA). These rules generally parallel those for electric and gas service.
Although smaller water companies are exempt from HEFPA, they still must comply with PSC regulations concerning termination and complaint procedures. They are also subject to rules governing service terminations to multiple dwellings, customer security deposits, payment agencies, back-billing and the refund of overpayments.
Municipally owned water suppliers (those of cities, towns, villages, etc.) are not governed by the Public Service Law. Still, they must comply with the statutes which created them. More importantly, municipal water consumers have certain constitutional rights which municipal water suppliers, as governmental entities, may not take away."