Trump is the man in real estate , Bigger pockets folks should be elated.
Things will change- YES - they always do. So be flexible for nothing lasts forever -No market, No cycle, no president, no country...If any human can build America up it will be him and people he brings to his team. In the Art of the Deal when he was 26 he talks of getting loans for the old Commodore hotel and convinced Hyatt hotels to sign on talking of all the hoops to make the deal happen buying it from the city, air rights, land leases and on and on - Yeah his dad was in Real Estate, but not in Manhattan . He learned some things from him as we all do from either family, friends or mentors.
We and I'm sure millions will argue about how this or that will happen. Time will tell.
He is our President folks. We are either together as a country or divided. So rally around him and do your own thing because No president will change your economic status - only you will.
Yes life is unfair, always has been and always will be. STAY POSITIVE, STAY REAL, BUY REAL ESTATE, BUY PERFORMING 1ST POSITION NOTES. Best of Luck.