Can I ask for compensation if the seller wants to get out of the contract? Say 5k if the seller turns around and sells to someone else in the next year? Or should I sit tight and see how it works out?
I have been working on and off with the seller for 6 months. The house is over run by pets and needs a full interior update, new roof, new deck, need water filter(well water), and landscaping. She signed the contract on a Friday and on the next Tuesday wanted to "opt out" of the contract because she just found out she was Disabled. A week later she changed her mind because she found a property to buy that she liked. That did not work out so she is now maybe wanting to "opt out" again. I have put days of work into helping her understand the process, answering question, going through her emotional roller coaster ride, etc. FYI- I gave her three months to close. We signed on December 11th, but close on or before March 6th giving her plenty of time to find a property to move into. She will net 170k from the sale of her house.