About half of the replies in this thread are amazed and confused by why the government would take such an action.
The moderator prohibits us from answering this question if we discuss nasty things, but I assume we are allowed to state some statistics and make historical and logical observations as long as we do not break the rules.
7.1% of the population report rental income on their tax return. 36.6% of the population rents. Every 4 years all of those people help select a person to lead our country for the next 4 years. As part of that process, the people who want to rule the country historically have made calculations about how their promises or other actions will make the highest number of people in the country happy and they make promises or base decisions on how to make the most people happy.
If you don't understand why a boss over a government agency would tell his or her underlings to make this kind of rule, the same month that people start selecting their ruler, and expire it the month after they select their ruler, you might think about how bosses whose jobs depend on making the most people happy calculate whether they can make more people happy by helping the larger group or the smaller group.
Another way the say this is that this rule makes a lot of people happy at a very important time.
Please do not twist my words and talk about things we are not supposed to talk about here, or the moderator might remove my post if you associate it with off limits topics.