@Bryan Beal
Real estate is always about balancing: Risk -v- Reward. Let's use that lense...
Money has a short memory. To say that the US economy will collapse if people have to stay in their homes for 2 more months seems a really far stretch. Yes, it might be harder and yes, the govt. will have to give more handouts - BUT the reward is back to a fully functioning system in a 6-9 months, maybe longer. Even it takes 12 months (a typical recession period- and aren't we due for a correction anyway?) money forgets and market forces will raise again.
Choice 2
Bryan gets the freedoms he desires. Reward. Reward? ...(to sit in a movie theatre alone?) ... I am sure there are many benefits people could come up with...
BUT AT WHAT risk - to himself, his neighbors, his family, his customers, the kids playing in his street (yes kids have pre-existing conditions too) the country? The virus can kill up to 10% - but seems to average around 2-5% dependent on location. REMEMBER ... the deaths in Italy and Europe ONLY STARTED TO RISE AFTER THE LOCKDOWNS were in place (March 12- look at death rate in Italy then). Can you imagine what the situation would be now if social distancing were NOT enforced there for the last month??? Is the freedom you seek worth the unforseen risk of a comletely out of control virus that kills 5% of the population.
Bottom line here...in the case.. #s will not lie. Some of those people in Michigan this week will very likely catch the virus. Places that open to soon will have higher death rates than those that don't (see Sweden's #) - They will not shut don't and #s are surging. In 12 months, the numbers will tell the truth - what should or shouldn't have been done. Personally, I don't think the reward is worth the risk.
I live in Singapore. People here trust the government to give them truthful information. Our numbers have begun to spike. Nobody is even considering wanting to go back to work.
Most people only generally believe what they see for themselves. When you see people in your own communities suffering with the virus opinions will likely change.
Wishing everybody health And wellness.