Thanks for the quick responses, really appreciate it. The most common concern so far, do they want to manage the properties, that answer is yes. They are still pretty young, mom hasnt even turned 60 yet. And dad is really what is driving me to do this. His job is physically very demanding and it's something the whole family would like to see him stop doing. Even if he was running around doing basic maintenance on a couple houses it would be far better than his current situation. And my brother is a carpenter who is willing to pitch in on any major reno. The goal here is to generate about 25k/year for him so he can take a much easier job. It's something available at his company, they just can't afford to take that drop in income.
Am i sure it's the best way to assist them? Great question. And I have no idea. I'm willing to put up 400-500k as an investment and the real estate idea struck me as appealing. I get exposure to RE (hopefully a good time to buy) and any income it spits off goes to them. Seemed like a win-win. If there are better ideas out there, I'd definitely entertain them.
After writing all that it strikes me as pretty crazy how difficult it is to find stable returns. Not easy to find 5% on 500k. At least it's not for me.... Oh and I do know I'm not interested in the equity market.
Thanks again.