Hello Everyone!
I had received really great advice last time I had issues with my landlords so I figured I would come back to ask another serious question.
I took everyone's advice and got out of the location I was currently in because of issues a lot of members said I couldn't win because of the way the system is.
I cleaned up the commercial property and did my walk through and returned my keys. I asked about the security deposit and how I should expect it back he had told me to text my address to him to make sure it matched what was on file so it got to the right place. He also said he didn't know what the time frame was for returning it so he would check and I had mentioned I believe its 30 days, which PA is by state law 30 days. He said that was okay because he wouldn't hold out on me anyway till the last minute so just text him, which i did.
Half way through the month I text him just making sure he didn't send anything because I haven't received anything and 3,000 is a lot to go missing. I never heard a response...
36 Days pass and I went to visit. I asked where it was and he had said the lease says 60, which pay law states it can only be 30, and he is working it out and going to take all 60. I said to him that he had said he wasn't waiting until last minute, and he kept repeating that hes executing what the lease says at 60 and I repeated to him LAW in PA is 30 and I need to notify him if I don't receive it. He starts yelling at me for accusing him of being a liar and all this other stuff and I just had told him in PA if its not returned within the 30 days I notify and then if taken to court can be awarded double the security deposit....
He yells at me more and says he can F*cking hold out as long as he wants and he doesnt F*cking owe me anything and I can come for the money and chase him for it. This goes on and on with him raging out, hes other brother who is even bigger of a scumbag comes out and tells me its time to go with the other brother leaving it at that I can chase him for it and take him to court.
Where do I stand in all this? I keep following protocol and law and I keep getting screwed. 60 days in there lease or not that isn't PA law.
Thank you for any and all advice!