Yes indeed, "Wholesaling" should not be taking too literally in Canada, (yet) - as the market is entirely different, but conceptually, it appears to be a valid process, (speaking from my inexperience) - yet of course, not nearly as easy as USA.
And yes indeed, the Lower Mainland is for people with deep pockets. Vancouver Island is half the price or lower. But, (from my limited experience), the right to assignment of the contract is the key element to the Wholesaling contract and without which the process is illegal, and it is a clause that wholesalers include in any contract. The trick of course, (other than finding the deal in the first place), is to buy at a low enough price that we are still able to sell quickly at below market value.
The "finders fee" concept you mention is essentially what "Wholesaling" is all about, (to me). I agree with you that the contract should be up front & honest, making it clear that our business is not extortion, but a service we provide to match buyers & sellers, and charging a fee for our service.
Something to keep in mind, in any business and every endeavor, is to not argue for limitations, (emphasize the reasons why something will not work), and instead focus on possibilities & opportunities. Whether we think we can or cannot, we are correct. We will always find evidence to support our convictions.