Quick question:
Do you all use a MH Scope of Work template that you apply to each property that you repair/rehab (if necessary)? Or do you develop a separate scope of work (or running list of repairs) that you prepare for each property as you go? Also, if you use a template, are you willing to share it?
We have developed a general one based on the repairs needed for our first mobile home purchase, but we are thinking that we may need to add more details like, item names/brands, skew numbers, etc., AND NOT just the general types repairs needed- without giving the contractor our specific choice of brands, size, color... Is this correct? As a new MH investors, what is the best way to add this detail to our scope of work (if it is needed)? We're thinking we will be relying heavily on the contractor's knowledge at first, but just doing as much due diligence as possible to know what these items are and how much the can cost. Do we have this correct? Going to the store to get that information was exciting, educational, and slightly overwhelming. For example, we priced doors, windows, AC units, faucets, sinks, skirting, etc. And I'm sure we didn't get everything! We just want to make sure that we are spending our time efficiently. We also want to make sure that we make the contractor's job as easy as possible.
Thank you for your help.