I'm wondering if we should be more specific about our rental criteria in writing our ads. We started advertising our apartment a week ago, and have received about ten rental applications so far. One flat out lied, one (really qualified) withdrew. Her first choice housing option opened up. Another withdrew after reading the lease...but not caring enough to discuss the specific points. And then a bunch with either bad credit (504), borderline credit (590&602), or applications too awful to even run credit checks on. We have a track record of finding great tenants with scores in the 700s, and think we are priced right. I'm just sort of feeling like I'm spending too much time/mental energy dealing with folks who don't stand a chance. Should I tell people "we are looking for qualified applicants with solid credit and at least X in income"? What do you say in your ads so that people self-select out? But! Not so many that we don't get any applicants. After all, if the 590&602 couple are the best prospect for another week or so, we might take them.