Since the 45 day identification period can be tricky time wise, even if
and taking into consideration that I have investigated properties even before the closing of escrow, which I have the option to extend,
I heard there's a plan B just in case but am not sure of the details, please let me know if this can be done or is a gray area of the law, sorry if I cant describe it accurately since I'm not familiar with it.
First always leave 1 spot open , of your 3 picks
Then you can technically backdate a purchase contract, because notifying a seller of property is another form of identification. ?????
So what you are saying effectively is I started negotiations within my 45 days identifications period. Ive been told Its real easy going past the 45 day period, but huge risks going over 180 days period. I would need to send a note that I have identified outside of their 1031 exchange company.
Please chime in, Im not understanding this process very well