Sorry Gino, but I just don't agree. YOU may have "money soldiers," while I and most of the rest of the world do not. Regardless of whether they "soldiers" are babies or adults. As I wrote in my post WE ARE the "money" soldiers of a preordained American and global system. We are taught and automatically born into a system that turn us into "financial slaves" or "financial soldiers" of the system. That system is governments, corporations, education and even familial. Those systems were created and established long before any of us appeared on the earth and we are automatically born into them whether we like it or not. We are then "raised" to respect those systems and function within them. So if you managed to create a "system" outside of the ones the rest of us are ruled by, one in which you found some "soldiers" that you are able to be general of and command, bully for you. But sorry I do not believe it. The lucky few who have "financial freedom" are trust fund babies, inheritors or outlandishly lucky by creating businesses that run themselves like: Gates, Bezos, Musk, Zuckerberg, Buffett. The rest of us ARE the money soldiers, providing money and our life energy to feed the system.