Rodney Bonds Franchise Area Developer -NYC Master Franchisor- Miami Flordia
I started out of humble beginings, growing up in the Brownsville section of BROOKLYN NY. After High School I decided I was'nt going to be product of my enviornment and pursue my DREAMS of becoming a Sucessful Entrepernuer...
In 1996 I manged a MCA Recording Artist, this experience allowed me to travel the Country while touring with my artist I began to notice urban Hip-Hop fashion was an up and coming market so I decided to try my creative hand in the "FASHION" buisness. I came up with an idea for a ThrowBack Jersey which was Hot at the time , that idea got picked up by a distributor and I personally Managed to get the Product in Macy's and other retailiers. Then Jay Z said "I Don't Wear Jerseys I'm 30 Plus" and the ThrowBack Jersey fad Tanked like Disco!!
Determained never to give up on my Entrepernueral DREAMS, my Pride & Joy my 1st Born, my SON is getting big fast and I needed MONEY! So I reached out to my cousin who explained to me that our Childhood friend Anthony LOLLI has a real estate company called RAPID REALTY and their making some serious money renting apartments, he invited me down to the offfice which I now ironicly own but at the time it was the 1st and only Rapid Realty office, I took one look inside and I was In Love!!
I quickly learned the business, Anthony took notice of my ambitious style and offered me a opportunity to work with him on Franchising his company. I was super excited!! only there was one catch, There was no salary and my compensation would come from me selling franchises. By Faith I said yes, so I we went to chicago and learned all there was to know about franchising . We came back to Brooklyn fired up started selling franchises and I had no luck, and by this time I had my second child my Beautiful Gifted Daughter..Now money was tightening up but I believed in this company, so to make some Money I started a construction contracting company while still trying to sell franchises..
Finally 1 year later a prospect whom I met about franchising called and was now interested “I was Like Yes” So I brokered the deal, this was our first outside franchise deal, we did two prior with internal agents from the company. I’m all set to go and corporate decided they wasn't gonna charge a franchise fee for the first few franchises, so the only way I can make money is to do the construction on the buildout of the franchises. Now this is where my construction contracting experience is paying off. I took a garage and turned it into a Rapid Realty. From that one alone I secured the contract for the next three Rapid Realty’s.. After that the company began to grow..where selling lots of franchises but we are not charging a franchise fee and the construction contracting wasn’t cutting it.
So I got involved In Network marketing to earn additional Income. I did the first corporate merger deal between two companies RAPID REALTY and 5LINX. This network marketing experience taught me some great leadership and mindset qualities and gave me the opportunity to network with some of the best professional I've ever met. Finally after 50 franchises sold Rapid Realty is Exploding and we are now in a position to charge a franchise fee and one of my business partners in the network marketing company I just did the deal with is now interested in purchasing a Rapid franchise..
I do that deal and make a commission finally, and with the money I made, I Invested it into a growing restaurant chain, this experience lead me to Miami, my business partner in the restaurant chain built one in florida. So I took a step of Faith and decided to move to Miami to work my restaurant investment and see how Rapid Realty Franchise System can penetrate the Florida market...So at this point I Have my third child my Super Star Baby Girl, and the company:
Have over 65 offices sold
I’m an Area Franchise Developer in NYC
The 1st Rapid Realty Master Franchisor in the state of Florida
And I own the original Rapid Realty Office
And where just getting started!!!!!!