I joined Pace's Gator tribe in January and have learned a great deal about funding wholesalers EMD and private money lending. I have made some money, but more so on the private money lending side which Pace really has not delved into thus far, although, we are told more specific training is coming on this. I work directly with other private lenders who have been doing this far longer than Pace's program who have established a great track record of ongoing incoming deals and have legal systems in place. Convenient is the word I would use for PCS. They are best for anyone who just wants to get their entities set up properly with the correct documentation and anonymity and move forward. Being new to real estate, I was not aware of articles of organization and operating agreements etc. And they handle all of this for you. They also provide tax services which I do not use, too expensive, and help you establish lines of credit for your business. Can't speak to this as I really have not seen the benefit so far. What I can say is, I have made back what I paid into the program and have been welcomed into a community of like-minded people who go out of their way to help and bring each other deals. There's always going to be that one person here or there that Is all about themselves, but I can honestly say I have not met them yet in this community. My network has grown substantially in the real estate space, through Pace I have made many friends, and have learned a great deal about creative finance along the way. Take that for what it is. I am naturally an introvert and so this community has helped me come out of my shell. Paces staff works diligently to answer all questions in a timely manner, I have even reached out to pace on Instagram myself and he has answered my questions personally. Weekly live zooms and trainings are happening all the time. There's a lot of hand holding that goes on, no one is left behind. New people come into the community all the time and it has gotten quite competitive out there for lending, but if you can build a rapport with fix and flippers and wholesalers and you are fair in what you charge as a return on their lending request, you will have a borrower for life. And repeat business is the name of the game. Please feel free to ask me any additional questions, I'm happy to share what I've learned.