Hello - I am new to this site and am hoping to meet successful individuals who can help guide me down the road to wealth from investing in real estate. I am already investing, and have acquired 5 properties in the last 2 1/2 years. With that said, I too have been attracted to the "warm" feeling most people receive from reading the Rich Dad series of books. By themselves, they are, indeed motivating. However, I've been hard-pressed to ever take any factual information from any of the books or CD's that I've read/heard by RDPD. I don't feel as if I am progressing at the rate that I would like to be, with my investing, so I decided to attend the 3-day RDPD seminar. Well, I am here to hopefully shed some light on the course material of the 3-day seminar, and save many of you thousands of dollars.
While, the individual topics of the seminar are intriguing - there is not much factual information to take from them. Especially, because you are not permitted to ask questions. You have to save them for your 12 minute bathroom break, and hope that 1 of the 4 "instructors" are available to answer them. Good luck getting a straight answer. You should expect to receive, "I cannot answer that, because it is a tax question, and I am not an accountant." Or - "I cannot answer that, because I am not a lawyer."
Here's what really killed the deal for me. - When the instructor told everyone to turn to page "whatever" in our training books, he proceeded to read us through a script to use when calling our credit card companies. Why would we be calling our credit companies, you ask? Because he wanted us to beg for limit increases, and lower our interest rates. He explained that we needed to call on every credit card we owned, and do the same. He even stated that it was "imperative" (they use that word alot) that we ask where the customer support person was located. If they were not located within the US, that we should hang-up and call back until we got a US customer service rep. They apparently, are the only ones that have the ability to raise your credit limits based on a soft-credit check. And to add to this, he actually made everyone write down an "800" number to AMEX and request a "Blue" card. Apparently, they are offering a 0% APR right now.
All of this was for good reason. So that on the day of the major sales pitch, you would have the ability to pay for Advanced Training with your new available credit limits. By the way, your "today only" prices ranged from $16k to $65k. Please people, have faith in yourselves, and find the right people to help you build your dreams. Do not spend your money on these courses, or let them fill your head with false hopes. I'm planning to join a local REIA club and learn through networking and self-education. I look forward to sharing my experiences with you, as well as learning from actual successful investors.