Has anyone had dealings with Peter Vekselman? I am in the midst of trying to get back a $99 "membership" fee that was charged after I cancelled. BTW, PV is currently hawking a "we partner with you" scheme that will cost $9500! I found a sign-up for an earlier iteration of this scheme--same benefits, wayyy less cost. However, I did not get most of what was promised AND they charged me after I canceled before the trial period was over. I am SOOOO glad I did not go for the oki doke and delve into their $9500 scheme. I did the lesser cost one because 1) it cost less and 2) I figured it would be a good way to determine the company's capabilities and if they are proven, I might consider going to the higher priced package. Back and forth emails with one of the "office staff", her saying "I will forward your email to Julie and Peter, blah blah..." and still nothing! Thank goodness I used PayPal for this, they're now on the case.