@Frank Rolfe
Mr. Rolfe, he wasn't asking anything for it and wasn't interested in selling it. He mentioned all of the postcards and letters that "the kids these days" keep sending him but that I was the first person to actually come and shake his hand. I was in the area looking at a 10 unit multifamily that we lost when someone overpaid due to the location being desirable. He didn't give me a number and I told him I'd give him about a week and then call him back and we can start talking numbers. I think we'll be somewhere in 300-400k range though based on the way he talked. Once we're through with that initial discussion and assuming that we are in the same ballpark, I'll start looking through the units to get a better idea of whether or not we'll be demolishing any of them.
Agree with your numbers though and that was similar to the bar napkin math we ran. Lot rents in the area are all $250 and up, so i'm pretty confident that I can get them to that level.
My question is, would it pass bank underwriting if i made my lot rents $300 and rented or ideally rent to own them for 150 each for the existing older homes?
That puts the above scenario at 30 lots x $300 x12 x .7 (we'll be submetering all units) = NOI $75,600
Bumping our value to around $750k at a 10 CAP
Is that allowed or is there an industry standard ratio between lot rents and home rent for POHs?
Thanks again!