Another 2 cents.
The "fear" of Corona is different between the public and Medical/Emergency responders, but they both fear the unknown from different view points.
-Public confidence drives 70% of the stock market. The YoYo of Dow Jones is not just the virus, but the global oil issues such as Saudi Arabia and Russia in a pissing match or kids fighting in the sand box. Add in the "correction" analysts say is overdue ands up to an unknow YoYo. If it was just the virus, gold would have shot way up, which it didn't. I couldn't help when the experts were asked, Are YOU buying? and they yes at some point but not now. No idea here.
-public is afraid of the flu. The average age of death from this virus is 80 years old, with 83% of having other known major health issues, ie asthma, diabetes etc.. Yes the Flu kills many as well but this IS different.
Emergency responders and Medical community have great concern because of the unknown of the actual virus. But what they are learning is there are key differences than past flu strains. Such as you can be asymptomatic for up to 2 weeks while being contagious. CDC says you are most contagious at the peak of your symptoms. So someone who you shook hands with/sneezed on you 2 weeks ago could have exposed you. How many people have you been near in the last 2 weeks? Do you remember them all? Way different than the average flu that you get sick from exposure in 24-48 hrs. The average virus does not stay alive outside of the body very long. Usually measured in minutes. This virus can stay active on metal/plastic surfaces for many hours, even over 24 hrs. If sick patient 1 has it for 2 weeks before getting symptoms, everyone he meets in those weeks and most of the surfaces he has touched, or sprayed while talking have the potential of spreading it. Do the math on this.
Additionally since this is a new virus the testing capability is very behind. So the # of cases is expected to be ALOT higher than the positive tests we are seeing. Add on the people who have gotten a 'mild' version or not stricken by it, but were contagious for the 2 weeks before. Again scary math. So if it magically stopped spreading with a snap of a finger, you would still see a spike of positive tests. and So the question is not if it will come to downtown America but when and how bad. So even if it just makes people sick/stay home for 2 weeks, what does that do for the economy and daily way of life? The info from China is at best sketchy. Do you believe everything that government says. I read that the original 7 Drs who raised the Red flags were discredited and disappeared. The original finding dr died from it.
But wait there is more...
Forget unemployment for a moment and the stock and RE prices. If the fear people have gets high enough, people will just not go to work. Not just Drs and nurses, but truck driver, UPS drivers, grocery clerks etc. The average metropolitan area or bigger city has only 3 days for food on hand at any one time. What happens when the truckers stop driving. Look what happened in Puerto Rico after the hurricane. Trucking stopped and so much relief aid rotted at the docks. And they only wanted more $.
Our Emergency services and security mainly practice and test for short term events. A fire, a hurricane a terrorist attack etc.. Events that continue for extended times with fluctuating repercussions are not usually part of it. Nor does the public.
So if people are staying home because of fear/sickness, imagined or real, what happens to rent, mortgages? probably not overnight, but definitely a real concern. Would you buy a property with so many unknowns? I think whether people are smart or scared they will hunker down and hold. Short term everything slows down, longer term should provide interesting possibilities.
IMO This is not just like the flu, deaths or not. The ripple affect will cause more changes/issues than the actual virus. Fear is a major driver. Look what happened after WWII, the fear of communism global nuclear destruction. How much have we pent in time, $ and resources, for something that never happened. 9/11.
So stay vigil and wash your hands often.