Thank you all very much for responding in a timely manner. I greatly appreciate all of your detailed responses and taking the time to assist me with this matter. All of the information provided is tremendously beneficial, and I now have a better understanding of how credit cards are used to invest in real estate, and the process used to mitigate the amount of interest you accrue. I am also thankful for your cautionary words, and reminding me of how quickly credit card balances can accumulate.
@Joe Villeneuve... Some financial institutions charge a fee for balance transfers or treat balance transfers as a type of cash advance which will not necessarily have a higher APR, but will begin to accrue interest immediately, which could quickly deplete your profits. The process in which you provided would be beneficial and cheaper, due to eliminating the higher APR on the balance transfer, but it is still possible to have to pay a balance transfer fee or have interest begin to accrue immediately due to some financial institution (FI) considering a balance transfer a type of cash advance.
Are you able to share any suggestions, insight, or possibly another process on how to fully eliminate any additional interest from accruing or having to pay a balance transfer fee, besides finding a FI that doesn't have those terms? Or is the process, in which you described above, the most common, most efficient, or only way of using credit cards to acquire properties?
Thank you, in advance, for your time and valuable responses.