I prefer to gather info up front versus waiting. Your meeting or call will be more beneficial.
When you got your new assessment there would be a letter telling you the time period to challenge. If you don’t have that letter then ask the city office.
Ask that same city person for the new and the old tax levy break down.
Get with a local real estate agent to walk you thru the tax calculation and exemptions so you understand how it is calculated.
Look online at your property on the city’s tax GIS map. Look at the recent valuation and tax history in your property. See if there have been any major valuation or tax changes. Find out why.
Generally the cost approach will be lower than the comp approach. Ask them for the cost table they used. Our last assessment used a table spanning 25 years inflation adjusted. But cost have spiked significantly over the last 3 years. But still would be lower than Sales comp which is based on recent sales.
Show pictures here and to a local realtor. Is the basement finished? What is the size of the lot compared to others in the neighborhood? How many bd/br compared to neighborhood? What is your lot? Culdesac, end of a T, entry way to a subdivision, speed limit, train stations, ranch/split level/ 2 story etc, etc etc.
Something is wrong. No way $4,000 in taxes for a $100,000 house. What is the rental rate?
On the GIS tax map look at some other properties very very similar to yours. Lot size, sq ft, bed bathroom, style, etc. What are the pre and post valuations and taxes?
You can use google street level.