I am in a similar situation Dan. I am curious to see what you find. My brother and I plan to partner and want to do it RIGHT! I have yet to speak to real estate attorney, but from what I have gathered so far...
1. LLC's are expensive in IL compared to other states ($500-$600 to set up and $250-$300 per year renewal) - fees associated with other types of entities differ).
2. Look into all the entities to choose from (LLC, Series LLC, Limited Partnership, Family Limited Partnership, S-Corp, C-Corp). Each has different fees and rules and pros and cons.
3. Ownership of LLC's and Series LLC's can be easily searched on the IL Dept of State's website (provides no anonymity).
4. A blanket insurance policy with high coverage is your first line of defense.
5. Never purchase property in your own name - use n Illinois Land Trust specifically, and do not name the trust in a way that the ownership can be traced back to you or your family (idea is to hide ownership from attorneys to discourage them).
6. Place the trust under the entity,
7. Use a different entity for several properties or even one per property if you want to be extra cautious.
8. Use one blanket insurance policy for each business ownership arrangement (eg - one for personal, one for anything owned by you that is for profit, one for anything owned by you and person X, another for person Y, etc).