Front of house is looking great! Porch all fixed up and exterior paint complete plus roof coated, primed and painted.
Outside of house almost complete. Roof was coated, primed and painted aluminum color to restore the look of the metal roof. (I love it)
Dining room and living room painted. Just trim work left and refinish the built in cabinets.
Living area painted (minus trim paint) still waiting on floors to be refinished.
Second floor loft drywall complete, ceiling primed.
Down stairs bath Plumbing finally finished (almost a week setback) new tub combo installed and walls mudded.
Taken today, kitchen tile is starting to be put in.
Some of these pics were taken over the weekend. The tubs in the up and down bath, kitchen tile, and trim paint have been completed. Still coming along nicely and am really starting to see the finish line!! Please let me know what you think!! If there are any buy and hold people looking at this place feel free to contact me and I can take you through the house in person if you would like!!