Originally posted by Glenn Espinosa:
What percentage of the GC bids could I conservatively save if we went with the subcontractor route. 10% on the safe side?
I'm afraid the answer to this is "it depends". Like so many other things in REI, the answer to this will be specific for your area. Since I don't know your area, the only way to find out how much you can save by cutting out the GC would be to either A. Ask other people in your area who have done projects with and without a GC to try to get a ballpark. B. Ask the GC what his markup is. I doubt he'd tell you (or honestly tell you) so you might consider C. Get quotes from each specialty yourself, total them and compare the cost to the cost of the GC.
Then you have to decide if it is worth $X to you to have the GC take care of everything. If the cost is significant then you might consider managing the project yourself if you have the time. If you feel the cost is acceptable then you can consider going with the GC so you can continue to learn the ropes.
Additionally, if the GC's subs are independent outfits (meaning they are not part of the GC's crew or employees) and do a good job, get their contact info so you can consider hiring them without the GC for your next project.
Keep us posted,