So I've looked through the posts accepting CC for rent. I'm one of those that use my CC for everything for the rewards and pay it off each month, plus I really like the convenience of CCs. Which is why I'm considering allowing tenants to pay rent that way. I get that some people aren't on top of their finances and misuse credits cards.
From the posts I've read I see two potential problems. 1- Disputed charges will typically favor the card holder (i.e. I loose my rent for the month). 2- You legally can't charge more for credit card use (service fees ?3%, which add up pretty fast).
So for those of you who do allow tenants to pay with CC - How often do you have tenants that dispute the charge? Is there anything you can do to protect yourself?
As for the service fees, my understanding is you can't charge more for CC use, but you can offer discounts for cash/check. So can you say Rent is $1030, with a 3% discount for cash/check?