Hi everyone,
I have a sfh rental in Elkhart Co. Indiana. I have/had the tenants on a lease option that expires today, April 30th 2015. I trusted these people since we've known each other for a few years prior to them renting from me and my wife. In the lease it states that the tenant needed to give me notice 60 days prior to the lease ending if they were going to buy the home. At that 60 days mark I contacted them and they told me they were in talks with one of their parents and working on getting help to buy the house...so I let it go, but kept in touch. Eventually that deal with the parents fell through, but they told me that they had a friend of the family that was going to help them buy the house. I was cautiously optimistic that the deal was actually going to go through. After dodging my calls and texts for the last couple weeks I found out just today that this friend has no intention of helping my renters buy the house and they've been lying to me the whole time. I was planning on extending the lease another month if we needed the time to make the sale, but after catching them in a lie- it's all over. They gotta go.
Tomorrow is May 1st. They will be in my house on an expired lease. In Elkhart Co. Indiana, what is the quickest and easiest way to get someone out of a house on an expired lease. I know I don't have to give them 30 days.
I'm looking for advice from people who've been there, done that. Should I just get a 10 Day Eviction Notice from rocketlawyer? What's the cheapest legal way to go about this? Who knows...maybe they'll just leave peacefully and I won't have to serve any notices or go to court. And then I'll wake up from that dream.
I know I've made mistakes like being too lenient and trusting. I'm new at landlording, I'll learn.
Thanks in advance!