@Mike G.
Thanks for the kind words.
To those who do not know me:
I started in this industry in 1975 and started building communities soon after getting involved. The largest community was 1,000 sites which we sold for almost $40 million. I have been a developer, a retailer (into our own communities), and a lender both in my own communities and later in other peoples communities. Since 2006 I have built and led a nationally recognized consultancy that has served over 8000 entities. We have helped many operators start or fix their captive finance operations, helped community owners and retailers deal with their state and federal compliance issues, and trained thousands of sales personnel in how to sell legally in a post SAFE Act world. Currently we are helping land lease communities with their compliance burdens related to Fair Housing and ADA.
I was appointed by the Governor of Illinois to set up and run the Illinois Manufactured Housing Quality Assurance Board, I was selected as the Manufactured Housing Industry Person of the Year(2013), my consulting company was selected as Service Supplier of the Year in 2011 by MHI (our national trade association), I have served three times on the Board of Directors of the Illinois Manufactured Housing Association and also served as Chairman in 2014, and have been the featured speaker over 200 times at industry events. I have also served on the Board of Directors of the Louisville Show. I was a founding member of the MHI Dodd-Frank Task Force along with Tim Williams of 21st Century Mortgage. I am also a Life Member of the RV/MH Hall of Fame Foundation.
OK. If you did not know who I am, now you do. What I promise is this: I will never post information that I am not absolutely certain is correct. Frankly, I don't post very much here any more, but when I do, I will stand behind what I write.
As Mike G. stated, there are, unfortunately, people who post here with incorrect information. Sometimes it is to make themselves feel more important than they are, sometimes it is because they are selling some sort of snake oil solution, and sometimes because they are trying to help but they are working from incorrect information themselves.
This BP forum can be a valuable resource, but read carefully and judge what is being presented. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Look for credentials on those offering advice. Ask very specific and good questions if you expect quality responses. Here is an example of a badly worded email I received which almost caused me to trash it without responding:
I saw you have many posted regarding "Safe Act" with MH owner financing.
I was a traditional W2 investor for the past 8 years. Just got out of my Nurisng job last year and became a full time REI. Really thinking about doing MH owner financing to have some cash flow. Can you please give me advice on which state is safe to do these MH owner financing to get my feet wet?