I'm 21, and married. Marrying young may not be the most financially intelligent thing to do most of the time; however, I feel like I actually have an advantage due to my wife being intelligent and not consumeristic. Two incomes, one roof!
I need to be financially free and able to live my life how I'd like to. Hopefully with enough money to do great things for my family (Giving parents a great retirement, top-notch education for my kids, be able to give my wife a great life with excess, travel the world together, the usual...)
My plan thus far is this:
-Begin building credit (currently have none)
-Begin investing in buy and hold properties ASAP (probably looking at FHA loan on multi-family with a cosigner to get going)
-Continue pursuing Bachelor's in Computer Science
-Graduate and find software engineer position
-Live below my means and be investing as much as possible into buy and hold properties (I aim to be generating 10k+/month in passive income in my early 40's)
-Once my passive income can support my expenses -possibly before- begin a startup
-Keep working towards that 10k+/month and retire when/if I feel like it
Does this seem like a good, sensible, plausible plan?
Should I invest in places other than real estate ie individual stocks/ 401(k) plan etc?
I GREATLY appreciate ALL feedback - positive & negative.