Update 12/13/2019, this is more to log my progress as well as for anybody who might want to follow along on this journey. All credit cards, save for 1 has now been paid off. This includes my Amex, Captial one, Paypal Mastercard, and my USAA credit card...yeah, I had a lot of cards. The only CC left to pay off is my Amazon CC, which should get paid off next paycheck. I have to admit, this has not been easy, especially with the holidays. Additionally, in one of the previous posts, someone gave me the sage advice that I have to get my wife on board with this shift in mindset and stewardship of money, as that is what it truly is, and let me tell you THEY WERE RIGHT. There has been more than 1 long discussion, especially when thanksgiving came around and Christmas being right around the corner, but we have come together at a compromise. In the past, we would just go nuts buying gifts for the kids and each other, racking up tons of debt on our CC (embarrassingly part of the reason I have so many CCs, especially that Amazon card, but there it is) and then worrying about paying it off when we could. The compromise is this. As our CCs have been paid off, I have been locking them up in our safety deposit box, out of sight out of mind and the added hassle of having to go and get them keeps us from spending indesciminantly. We have decided that this year, and years going forward, we are budgeting for the holidays, limiting the number of gifts that we get the kids and each other and those gifts will be paid out of our bank account and not on credit. This will hopefully keep us from going crazy and spending as we have in previous years and racking up debt.
The rough stuff out of the way, there have been some very very positive changes that have occurred due to this journey. As of today, my credit score has risen due to paying off all the debt I have paid off thus far. When I started this my credit scores were hovering around the mid 600s but have now risen to range from 689 to 710, I signed up for credit monitoring as part of all this. I am not sure why there is a range, Experian has me at 689 and Transunion has me at 710, but credit scores are going up which is going to make getting financing for an investment property easier. I have always had a good payment history but my debt to income ratio is what was killing me. In addition to that, I have now started asking myself, "is what I am spending this money on going to return money into my pocket somehow or not" and basing my decisions on the answer. This may seem like a silly thing but I am now actively looking for assets instead of just nice shiny things that might look nice for the time being, trust me I really wanted a new bullbar for my truck, but ultimately it would just have been money that would have been sent out to die and not made to work for me.
Compared to a lot of people that have paid off their debts before me I have bearly taken the first step or two and I have many more steps to take. What I have realized thus far is THIS IS NOT EASY. It takes determination, it takes spouses being onboard and a willingness to work with each other and compromise, and it definitely takes a change in the way you think. What has helped me, I think, is that I have not changed the fact that I pay myself first. No matter what, the first 20% of my paycheck goes straight to paying off debt. I have a loving and supportive wife who, while she does not fully understand my shift in mindset loves me enough to listen and work with me toward our final goals, the communication I think helped us out, there were several discussions, lol.
This is getting long so I will close by saying, I am still on my journey. I started with a total debt load of $38,150 and am now down to $29163.52. I have been able to pay off just shy of $9000 in debt since I started 4 months ago and will keep on going. I will post another update in a month or 2. I hope this helps someone, it has definitely helped me.