I've finally signed a lease with new tenants, so I can share a couple stories of some who "got away"...
One couple seemed nice, just them and their preschool-age son, which would be a good fit for this older 2-bed, 2-bath house... until she mentioned that her son had recently thrown something down the stairs, hitting her in the head & drawing blood. She seemed to find it humorous, but all I could think was, "Do I really want an out-of-control kid throwing stuff around this house?" Thankfully, they ended up not submitting an application.
Another couple was just them and their dog (a Pit mix, hmmm...), and where the application asks, "Have you ever been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor (other than a traffic or parking violation)?" he checked Yes and wrote simply, "Marijuana." So I look at the background check (thanks, Cozy!) and see... sure enough, this past November, he was picked up & pled guilty to possession of marijuana. Well, not ideal, I guess, but not the end of the world as long as he's not using now--- oh wait. I keep scrolling, and in the January before that he was charged with possession, paraphernalia, maintaining a common nuisance, and dealing... but apparently got all dismissed but possession, which he pled guilty to. Oh, and a few months before that is a false reporting charge... and a few months before that another paraphernalia charge... and at this point I'm thinking I don't want that pattern repeating itself in my unit. (This guy also asked, before seeing the unit, how I felt about his possibly making changes: doors, locks, paint, etc.)
Anyway, I know there were other moments when I thought to myself, "Are you sure you want to be telling me this?" as I talked with prospective tenants while showing them the house. Fortunately, I've already managed to forget the details. :)