Originally posted by @Daria B.:
Is the question multiple offers per same property or just representing multiple buyers for any property?
Agents will represent multiple buyers for different properties and I have not seen that they would be exclusive to one buyer. That would not be prudent as a business. If they were exclusive to one buyer with no other work then they would not be in business very long.
As far as representing multiple buyers/sellers for a given property, you would need to look to your state laws. Here in Florida it is assumed “transactional” unless an agreement for exclusivity is agreed upon. Florida also does not allow dual representation.
Cute dogs! Thanks Daria I will look at the state law.
I was referring to 123 Main street being on the market. And Realtor presents the seller of 123 Main with offers from buyer A, and buyer B. Meanwhile Buyers A and B have no idea the realtor is sort of going against them with each other. Essentially can an unethical realtor start a bidding war between Buyers A and B on 123 Main street even if there are no other offers from any other buyers of any realtor.