We’ve got a new approach for home finance: equity sharing.
Homebuyers can get a lift from investors in making a down payment on a house.
Homeowners can access equity in their home by selling a portion of their equity. There is no extra debt and no interest payments.
Live in the home and continue to enjoy its appreciation. When the house is sold, a portion of the appreciation goes to the investors – the rest goes to the homeowner.
We’re finding that in most instances, equity sharing costs less than debt.
It’s a win-win. Homebuyers get the home they want now, not sometime in the future. Mortgage payments can be lower – and private mortgage insurance removed altogether.
Plus, homeowners keep the tax deductions that make owning attractive.
Homeowners can use their equity – not borrow against it. It’s available for college tuition, for home improvement, for paying down a mortgage…
Investors gain access to solid, appreciating homes –without tenants or management costs. They’re investing –and benefiting – alongside people with the same interests: homeowners.