property that was purchased with cash -- so there is no loan now .....which means FNMA will view it as if you never had a loan --so they will price the "new refi" as a "purchase" = huge savings on "Delayed Financing" and no hits on "cash out"
That is your first choice -- and by far the cheapest
Delayed financing is a method for getting a mortgage after you've purchased a piece of real estate using cash. Put simply, delayed financing offers a way to purchase a home in which you pay cash upfront, then quickly obtain a cash-out refinance to mortgage the property.
FNMA and FHLMC Loan level price adjustments = Those fees went into effect December 1st, but the increased cash-out fees don't go live until February 1st, 2023. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac are also raising loan-level price adjustments (LLPAs) for both types of cash-out transactions come April 1st. So the loans offered by Banks - credit unions are not so cheap for rentals and cash-outs.
All of a sudden DSCR loans do NOT look bad at all since FNMA really raised their risk pricing -- - There are many DSCR lenders - LIMA - RCN - CIVIC - VISIO - OAKTREE - ATHAS who are not the best but you get the idea.
5-year Prepayment penalties are not a must -- the better lenders are 3-2-1 so it may help if you plan to sell/refi earlier. Anyhow the fun part of brokering is putting 11 lenders on a spreadsheet and tracking them as they get more aggressive -- then pull back...
Hope that helps.