@Joe P. I feel the same, which is why I needed to test my assumptions. I was naive to not trust but not verify.
@Mike McCarthy Yes, for sure have all those emails and have requested the rent difference. Their lawyer is claiming we had our time to verify, although he continually did not send the lease over. I find it hard that a lawyer that does this all the time thinks what he sent was acceptable. If I didn’t work in Finance, I would probably assume it was a innocent, but it doesn’t add up.
@Matt B. I can’t say for sure if they were aware, but again, hard for me to believe they pushed the HAP voucher instead of a lease. My suspicion is they were pushing for the double commission and did what they had to do. I get it, but it doesn’t sit well. I certainly didn’t feel well represented by my realtor, but I wouldn’t pursue this any further beyond trying to get the rent difference.
Thank you all for your input, doing my own DD is a must next time.